2023 Tax Reporting Guide for BMO Nesbitt Burns
If you owe income tax to the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) or Revenu Québec, your tax return and any balance owing must be submitted by the April 30, 2024 deadline, to avoid late-filing penalties and interest charges.
For self-employed individuals, the income tax filing deadline is June 17, 2024; however, any balance owing must be paid by April 30, 2024 to avoid late-filing penalties and interest charges.
The Registered Retirement Savings Plan (“RRSP”) contribution deadline for the 2023 tax year is February 29, 2024.
取决于您持有的投资和账户活动,您可能会收到在准备年度纳税申报表时所需的各种各样的税单。 For a brief overview of the various tax slips and supporting documents you may receive from BMO, along with their expected availability dates, refer to our publication, 2023 Tax Documents Overview and Schedule.
请注意: Depending on your document delivery preference, your tax documents will be posted on BMO Nesbitt Burns Gateway® and/or placed in the mail as soon as they are available. If you’re not already registered to access your tax slips exclusively online, please speak with your BMO Nesbitt Burns Investment Advisor, or register directly via the Gateway sign-in page.
Reports income from any Retirement Income Fund plan (“RIF”) withdrawals, including applicable withholding taxes.
Reports Educational Assistance Payments made to the beneficiaries of a Registered Education Savings Plan (“RESP”) and/or Accumulated Income Payments (“AIP”) paid to the subscriber during the tax year.
Reports contributions, qualifying and taxable withdrawals, income tax deducted and transfers from a First Home Savings Account (“FHSA”) into a Registered Retirement Savings Plan or another First Home Savings Account.
Please note: Tax slips for any mutual fund corporations and BMO High Interest Savings Accounts held in a BMO Nesbitt Burns non-registered account will be sent directly by the respective fund company.
Reports income on investments held in non-registered accounts, including Canadian-based Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”), income trusts, Exchange-Traded Funds (“ETFs”), capital trusts and mutual fund trusts.
Please note: Tax slips for any mutual fund trusts held in a BMO Nesbitt Burns non-registered account will be sent directly by the respective fund company.
- 第1页提供了纳税人的个人信息(姓名、地址等)。
- 第2页提供了T5008/RL18组合汇总税单的说明;以及
- 第3页和后续页面包含有关证券存款的详细信息。
Form 1042-S: Foreign Person’s U.S.-Source Income Subject to Withholding
This form is issued to non-U.S. persons that are beneficial owners of flow-through entities with reportable U.S.-source income and withholding tax.这些表格应向美国国税局(“IRS”)提交。
Form 1042-S: Effectively Connected Income from U.S. Limited Partnerships
Non-U.S. partners who received U.S. Effectively Connected Income from a U.S. Limited Partnership are required to report this income to the IRS.为了履行此纳税申报责任,必须使用1042-S表格申报这笔收入。
如要向BMO索取1042-S表格,请与您的BMO利时证券投资顾问联系。 The 1042-S will include the amount of the payment(s) you received from the U.S. limited partnership(s) that distributed U.S. Effectively Connected Income and the amount of 1446(a) and/or 1446(f) tax that was withheld and submitted by BMO to the IRS.
1099 Official Package: For Qualified Intermediaries (“QI”)/U.S. Persons
The following forms are issued to U.S. persons with income that is required to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service:
- 1099-DIV (Dividends and Distributions): Reportable dividends paid to U.S. persons.
- 1099-INT (Interest Income): Reportable interest paid to U.S. persons.
- 1099-B (Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions): Reportable proceeds from sales or redemptions of securities, issued to U.S. residents.
- 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous Income): Reportable U.S. income not included in any of the above forms (such as U.S. royalty income).
Effective as of the 2023 tax year, non-U.S. partners holding a U.S. Limited Partnership will receive a Schedule K-1 tax form. K-1表申报合伙人的收入、损失、股息、资本收益等。
A non-U.S. Limited Partnership that has U.S.-source income, but no Effectively Connected Income is only required to issue a Schedule K-1 if there were one or more U.S. Limited Partner(s) during its taxable year. In this case, the partnership would issue the Schedule K-1 to its direct U.S. Limited Partner(s), as well as any U.S. Limited partner(s) who hold any interest in the Limited Partnership through a flow-through entity.
Approximate mailing date: Late January
请注意: 此文件无法在线获取。
评估信中包含的细节- 您的资产在2023年12月31日当日的价值;
- 2024年内必须提取的最低金额;
- Maximum amount that can be withdrawn if you have a Life Income Fund (“LIF”), Locked-in Retirement Income Fund (“LRIF”), Registered Retirement Income Fund (“RRIF”), Prescribed Retirement Income Fund (“PRIF”) and/or a Restricted Life Income Fund (“RLIF”); and
- 您期望的付款金额和频次。
Approximate mailing date: Early February
Additionally, the Summary includes an overview of tax receipts and the expected delivery dates of the T5/RL3/NR4 (regular equity and split share or debt instruments), T3/RL16/NR4, and tax slips from fund companies and High-Interest Savings Accounts (“HISA”).
大致的邮寄日期:二月初作为加拿大居民,您有义务为自己来自世界各地的各种来源的收入缴纳加拿大所得税。 You must file a CRA T1135 Form (Foreign Income Verification Statement), if at any time during the tax year, the total cost amount of all your specified foreign property was more than CAD$100,000.
境外收入信息声明详细列出了您在BMO利时证券持有的所有外国证券及其价值。这不是官方的税务文件,而是为了帮助您确定是否需要提交CRA T1135表。
Approximate mailing date: Mid March此报告详细展示了您在所有BMO利时证券非注册账户中持有的证券的已实现收益和/或亏损情况。此报告将在三月中旬邮寄给您,但其并非正式的税务报表。
Please note: There may be differences between the adjusted cost base (“ACB”) on the Realized Gain/Loss Report and your T5008/RL18 tax slip(s).这种差异是因为T5008/RL18没有考虑到账户持有人在年内出售证券所产生的任何资本回报。 However, the Realized Gain/Loss Report reflects the ACB for the security, based on the return of capital reported on your T3/RL16 and T5013/RL15 tax slips.
基于注册账户发放的税单反映了死亡日期之前和之后的各项付款。 Form RC249 Post-Death Decline in Values is also issued when applicable and filed with regulatory agencies.
Tax information is provided based on your preference (i.e., either mailed or provided online through your BMO Nesbitt Burns Gateway® account). 请联系您的BMO利时证券投资顾问,获取您的税单副本以及任何相关的收入报告和报表。
Tax slips are issued to the primary accountholder and include the primary account holder’s Social Insurance Number (“SIN”) and Legal name. Where applicable, the joint account holder’s SIN and Legal name are also included.
就税务而言,信托被视为一位(个人)纳税人,这意味着受托人(即持有和管理信托的人)必须遵守多项税务申报要求。 The tax slip(s) are to be issued in the ‘name and SIN’ of the Trustee, and not the beneficiary(s).
For more information on eligible foreign spin-offs from BMO, refer to our publication, 海外资产分拆的延期缴税
请与您的会计或其他税务顾问交谈,以确定T5008/RL-18 20号信息栏中报告的您的投资的纳税成本基数。此外,请保存账户对账单/交易的历史记录,以便对成本基数进行任何必要的调整,从而确定您投资的正确收益或损失。
The tax cost base may be different from the original purchase price and information available to BMO at the time of preparing this form due to various reasons, including: corporate re-organizations, tax elections, and distributions (such as return of capital); the requirement to calculate, for tax purposes, a weighted-average cost of a security that is held across more than one non-registered account, including accounts held with other financial institutions; or due to other factors such as foreign exchange, immigration, superficial losses, etc.
For additional information please refer to the CRA’s publication, What is a superficial loss?
- 任何以前未使用的供款额度;以及
- 不超过上一年提取的任何金额。
非居民可以继续保留TFSA,但无法进行任何新的供款。 You should confirm your annual TFSA contribution limits with the CRA by using their “My Account” application, or by calling the Tax Information Phone Service (“TIPS”) at 1-800-267-6999.
The First Home Savings Account ("FHSA") is a new registered plan that enables prospective first-time home buyers with the ability to contribute up to $40,000 over the life of the plan -capped at contribution limit of $8,000 per year -toward saving their first home, tax-free. Contributions made to an FHSA are tax-deductible and the income earned in the account is tax-free.另外,用于购置首套房屋的合资格提款无需纳税。
Features of the FHSA:
- 终身供款限额为$40,000,每年的供款限额为$8,000。未使用的年度供款限额可以结转至未来年度。超额供款每月将收取1%的罚金。
- Contributors may choose which year to deduct their FHSA contribution(s) (e.g., it does not have to be the year in which the contribution was made).
- An individual may transfer funds from an FHSA to another FHSA on tax-free basis.
- Funds from an RRSP to an FHSA can be transferred on a tax-free basis, subject to the FHSA annual and lifetime contribution limits and the qualified investment rules.
- On the breakdown of a marriage or a common-law partnership, an amount may be transferred directly from the FHSA of one party in the relationship to an FHSA, RRSP, or RRIF of the other.在这种情况下,转账不会恢复转出方的任何供款额度,也不会计入受让方的任何供款额度。
- 如果将配偶或同居伴侣指定为继承者账户持有人,那么该账户可以继续保持免税。
- For non-residents of Canada, taxpayers can continue to participate in an FHSA, but they cannot make contributions or qualifying withdrawals.非居民进行提款须缴纳预扣税。
The annual contribution period for the First Home Savings Account ("FHSA") is January 1 to December 31. For the 2023 tax year, contributions made to the FHSA between April 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, can be deducted on your 2023 income tax and benefit return.
Further information on the FHSA and contribution room can by confirmed with the CRA by using their “My Account” application, or by calling Tax Information Phone Service (“TIPS”) at 1-800-267-6999.
- 个人的社会保险号("SIN");
- 实体(例如:公司、合作伙伴关系、协会等)的CRA企业编号和魁北克企业编号;以及
- 正式信托/遗产的信托编号。
- CRA企业编号是一个唯一的九位数编号,用于标识企业或法律实体。
- Your CRA Business Number can be obtained by logging into your CRA My Business Account.
- 如需了解更多信息,请参阅加拿大政府的企业编号资源。
The Quebec Enterprise Number (“NEQ”) is a ten-digit numerical identifier assigned to every company or business registered in Quebec with the Quebec company registry (Registraire des entreprises du Québec).
Your NEQ can be found on the Quebec Company Registry site.
- Summarizes contributions, withdrawals, applicable withholding tax, and account activities during the tax year for Registered Accounts (i.e., RRSPs, RIFs, LIFs, LRIFs and TFSAs).
- 总结税务年度内的股息、资本收益、资本回报、利息、其他收入、费用、预扣税以及已实现收益/损失。
- 包括税务年度内的账户活动以及年内最高的每日收盘市值。
- 总结上一财政年度实体账户中的应税交易、现金流入和流出、任何费用和收费以及已出售/处置证券的已实现盈亏。
- 成立不足三个月的信托;和
- 在整个纳税年度持有的资产少于$50,000的信托(前提是其持有的资产仅限于存款、政府债务和上市证券)。
如要了解更多信息,请参阅出版物新的信托税务报告要求 - BMO私人财富了解更多信息。
On January 1, 2023, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's new rules impacting clients who hold Publicly Traded Partnerships went into affect, including the following:
- The new 1446(f) Internal Revenue Service regulation, which includes a 10% U.S. withholding tax that can apply to any Publicly Traded Partnership, including non-U.S. Publicly Traded Partnerships.
- The sale of a foreign (non-U.S.) Publicly Traded Partnership will not be subject to the 1446f withholding tax if the Publicly Traded Partnership provides a Qualified Notice (e.g., a '92 Day Notice’).
- 请注意: if an entity is organized outside of the United States and trades solely on a foreign established securities market or foreign secondary market (foreign-traded entity) it is presumed not to be a Publicly Traded Partnership for U.S. tax purposes –unless the broker has actual knowledge otherwise.
- Selling an interest in a Publicly Traded Partnership after December 31, 2022, may result in a 10% U.S. withholding tax being deducted from the proceeds by BMO, who must submit the tax to the IRS;
- BMO must request a U.S. Tax Identification Number from any client holding a Publicly Traded Partnership on, or after, January 1, 2024, if the Publicly Traded Partnership distributed U.S. Effectively Connected Income or U.S. Effectively Connected Net Income during 2023;
- For U.S. tax purposes, a foreign partner's gain or loss from the sale of a Publicly Traded Partnership that is engaged in a U.S. trade or business is treated as income that is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. This means that the foreign partner is required to file a U.S. income tax return and report the income for U.S. tax purposes. Consequently, to fulfil this requirement, the foreign partner must have/obtain a U.S. Tax Identification Number from the IRS; and
- Where a client has received a Form 1042-S from BMO that reports the amount of U.S. tax withheld, the client can report the tax withheld on their U.S. tax return and receive a refund of the tax to the extent that the tax withheld exceeds the actual U.S. tax owing on the U.S. tax return.